Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Things a writer needs.

I don't have a prompt, but made that one up on the spot. Some days my brain feels flat and lacks that creative juice I need. Let's see what happens. I've learnt you don't always need it so long as you turn up and just start writing.

I've found all you really need as a writer is imagination. Okay, you need something to physically write with, but I've used lipstick, eyeliner, crayon and faded felt pens to scrawl thoughts on the back of school newsletters, envelopes, shopping receipts, and unpaid bills. It annoys me no end how they've taken up all that white space on the back of receipts by printing all those vouchers I'll never use. They were handy scraps of paper to have around. Okay, I've since learnt to carry a notebook wherever I go, so I do need something to write on and something to write with. My mobile phone has also become a handy spot to jot things. I use the reminders to make short notes to myself and set a time for it to remind me, usually later in the day when I'll be sitting down again.

But without imagination what the heck would I write? My mind buzzes around 100 miles an hour each and every day. Not only am I thinking of the present moment, I'm stewing heaps of story ideas, characters, article ideas and meanings of words. I try to learn a new word every day. I'd also carry a dictionary with me, but there are only so many things I can carry. The bag is heavy enough with my journal, pencil case, purse, baby gear and whatever else I manage to shove in there. I used to have an electronic dictionary/thesaurus, but the batteries have gone flat. It's one of those things I forget to buy. So, I need places to catch the ideas before they slip away. I know that truly good ideas do return again and again, but it's a good way to prompt my brain they need getting done when I see the note I made on the topic.

It helps to have a computer. Since teaching myself to type way back when my first two kids were little, I've come to appreciate my computer. One day on returning from exercise classes I came across one of those car boot sales. There on the ground beside some guy’s car I spied a hefty manual typewriter. That heavy beast cost me a total of $5. I had to lug my son, then less than a year old, on my hip and put the typewriter in the pram. My daughter had to walk, she had no choice. At least home was in easy walking distance. A visit to the library provided me with the books I needed in order to teach myself how to type. I used about three until I found the one I liked the most. After some slow going lessons I finally picked up the art of typing, although I wouldn't get a job as a typer anywhere, I work up a mean 70 words a minute or more these days, but I do use a keyboard now.

Did I mention the library? I've always loved and used the library. Whenever I need to know something I head straight there. I'm one of these people who learn by reading. If there's a book on it I'll locate it and devour everything I possibly can on the subject. It's part of my nature. I think I've read every book the library has on writing. If I like the book a lot, found it useful, then I go ahead and buy it. I also read lots of fiction.

Anyway, I'm sure my time is up. The baby woke in the middle of this so I have no idea how long I had to go. He's in his bouncee now half complains at me and half smiles, the way only babies do. Better go.


At 11:57 pm, Blogger dawn said...

I also learn by reading. I'm not a very good listener...not a good thing when I'm trying to interview someone! :-)


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