Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Four goals:

My ultimate goal for Boot Camp is to have my non-fiction book ready to set up at To do this I will need to spread the work over the next four weeks. I can make these attainable goals.

Goal/Week One:

Identify the articles I want to revise.

Make a file on my computer for them.

Put articles in the file.

Read through the articles.

List ideas for any additional new material.

Goal/Week Two:

Revise five articles, one per week day.

Do I need more articles? Brainstorm.

Outline two (or more) articles.

Goal/Week Three:

Write drafts for new article ideas.

Continue to revise articles, five per week.

Goal/Week Four:

Research marketing strategies.

Name non-fiction book.

Polish new articles.

Finish revising articles.

Okay, that seems like stuff I can do.


At 11:28 am, Blogger dawn said...

Sounds like a good plan.


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