It's been a typical busy Sunday, so I haven't been online yet and there is no prompt. The next best thing is to use the topic the pastor preached on. He preached on boredom. There's a Spanish proverb that says something like, "Everyone is tempted by the Devil, but the bored tempt the Devil." A man the pastor knew told him how when he went to his mother with the catch cry, "I'm bored," his mother would return with, "Because you're boring." I liked that mother. When my kids come to me with that line I tell them I'll find them something to do. There are always lots of things to be done around here. It's been a long time since I heard that line from any of my kids, anyway, so it must've worked.
When I was growing up it was considered the height of rudeness to approach my mother and complain about being bored. We'd be reminded of all the toys and books we had and be given a big lecture on being ungrateful. I can't even remember the last time I felt bored. Life is too busy for me to be bored. Even as a kid. I always had a book to read, preferably up a tree. With three brothers there was always someone to play with, or should I write someone to torment. Two of those brothers are younger than me. It was easy to pick on one of them and get them into trouble, a great game for relieving boredom. There was always something to build, destroy, draw, write about or simply daydream about. One of my favourite activities was stretching out on the green grass at home and gazing up at the clouds. Imagination ruled as the four of us tried to describe what creatures we saw in the shift and billow of those fluffy white water particles.
I have boredom to thank for my interest in writing. The constant drudge of every day duties at home just grated on my nerves. I felt useless, undervalued. There was a need for something more than just the day in and day out of my life. I saw an article in a magazine and felt prompted to sit down and write a response. My letter to the editor was published and I also won a prize. It was most likely the boost I needed. I recall now my beginning attempts to get published and can laugh at the mistakes I made, but they were valuable to my growth. I had a challenge before me and I am still achieving it today.
Okay, I've come a long way and there have been many other publications and many more rejections. But I've slipped easily into the writer's life. The next best thing I did was to join a writer's centre. Having like-minded individuals to share my crazy passion for words and the mad rush to finish a story or article on time was like adding fuel to my soul. I'd found my place. No longer did I feel at odds in a room full of people. I could go to the writer's centre and fit right in.
Anyway, I'm not sure how long I've written for today, but I need to get this online and try to read some of the other responses from the group. I haven't had much time for that. I spent last night setting up my blog to look the way I like it and other such housekeeping tasks.
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